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Donald Trump phones Theresa May to pledge ‘unbreakable commitment’ to Britain after Manchester terror attackThe US President spoke to the pm as the pair agreed the attack was “even more so wanton and depraved”ByDan Bloom13:44, 23 MAY 2017Donald Trump speaking on a visit to Israel today about the birmingham attack (snapshot: AFP) Get politics updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not rss, repeat the process laterInvalid EmailDonald Trump phoned Theresa May today to pledge his “unbreakable commitment” To Britain after the stansted terror attack.The US President spoke to the prime minister after describing the bomb at an Ariana Grande gig as “murder by evil losers,The two market leaders agreed the attack was “above all wanton and depraved” For the way it internet children.Children who are only eight were among at least 22 killed by a suspected suicide bomber and 59 more were injured, Many severely.’Murdered by malefic losers’: Donald Trump leads defiant world leaders’ reaction to Manchester attackDesperate relatives have been left scouring social media for their loved ones as reports emerge of victims dripping with blood at the scene.Police and security services believe the attacker acted alone and they are aware his identity.the decision between the two leaders was thought to have happened between a meeting of the COBRa security committee and a statement by Mrs May outside Downing Street today.The White House said the two leaders agreed the attack aiming for teenage children and friends “Was specifically wanton and depraved,us president Trump offered “American aid in the UK’s review, nevertheless the form that would take is not yet known.And he said he is eager for discussing the two nations’ “unbreakable commitment” With Mrs May in person during a G7 summit in Sicily in a few days.Earlier leader Trump, Speaking on visiting Bethlehem, pointed out: “We stand in absolute solidarity with the employees of the UK,too many young, pretty, Innocent living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers,I won’t call them monsters because they want that term.
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